Jaw & Chin Filler

Dermal filler is injected in these areas to create a more defined jaw line and lower face structure. We can make these areas appear more masculine or feminine from studying the male and female anatomy and applying the filler in the suitable areas.

In patients with under-projected chin and jaw line, this treatment can help bring a balance to the structure of the face.


  • Treatments using dermal fillers are a great way to restore lost volume, shape and definition. By understanding the facial anatomy and how we change from the effects of ageing, we are able to recognise how to reverse volume loss and add definition to create a more youthful appearance.

  • Facial fillers are a made up of Hyaluronic Acid. Our body naturally produces Hyaluronic Acid within our skin to keep it hydrated and looking healthy. As we age we start loosing volume to the fat pads and to our bone density - this results to the sagging and laxity we see as we age, resulting in looking more tired. By injecting Hyaluronic Acid to the right areas to help harmonise the face and bring a more perky appearance to our face, reversing the ageing appearance. Now we are not saying you’ll look 20 years old when your in fact 50 years old BUT it will make you appear more healthy and rejuvinated.

  • Before carrying out the treatment we apply an anaesthetic cream to the skin/lip area to numb it and reduce any pain. The fillers we use include an anaesthetic as well (lidocaine) which further numbs the area from under the skin.

    A majority of the treatments are tolerated well with minimal discomfort.

  • As with any injectable treatment there are potential (albeit rare) risks that are associated with injection of hyaluronic acid fillers. These will be thoroughly explained to you during your consultation.

    These risks can be minimised by researching your aesthetic practitioner and their qualifications and if they have expert knowledge of the facial anatomy and latest injection techniques. Check the practitioner is insured and if the products they use are FDA (Food and Drug Association) approved and CE marked, if they’re not then their insurance will be void.

    The use of hyaluronic acid facial fillers also means a lower risk of an immune response reaction and if we do need to dissolve in an emergency then the product should dissolve effectively. Kayleigh is fully trained in complications, she keeps an emergency medication box in clinic and with over 6 years medical experience she is well equipped to treat any complications.

Take the first step to feeling your best self.

If you would like to schedule an appointment or book a consultation, use our online booking system or alternatively speak to us directly

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11 Lon Y Goetre Fach,

St. Fagans,
